Yogalife International

Yogalife International
Decoding Yoga at TEDxZurich
Lectures with Sanjeev Bhanot

We confuse Love with the sensations of pleasure and pain | by Sanjeev Bhanot
Yogalife International

What is real? | Sanjeev Bhanot
Yogalife International

When do you consider you were born | by Sanjeev Bhanot
Yogalife International

Observation and judgement | by Sanjeev Bhanot
Yogalife International

Whatever you are thinking you are gonna create it | by Sanjeev Bhanot
Yogalife International

Winning and losing, birth and death | by Sanjeev Bhanot
Yogalife International
Lectures with Manoj Bhanot

Why integrate yoga? | with Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

Everything has a meaning | with Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

Asteya I Non Stealing I under the first limb of Yoga with Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International
Brahamcharya Celibacy? Moderation? | with Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

Let’s think differently about life energy | Dimensions of Prana I Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

What is Dhyana? | What is meditation? I Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

Koshas – Sheaths – Yogic bodies – Layers of the human body | Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

What has taken my focus away? | Dharana – Why concentration important in life? I Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

Antar Mouna – Inner silence | Break the loop of the thoughts I Train your mind I Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

Why are we stuck? | Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International
Yoga Nidra Playlist

Yoga Nidra for Health and Immunity | MANOJ BHANOT
Yogalife International

Yoga Nidra for health I relaxation | Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

Yoga Nidra 15 minute – Quick recharge
Yogalife International

Yoga Nidra – Prana Vayus (Activate your life force)
Yogalife International
Hands-On Adjustments with Sanjeev Bhanot

Hands-On Adjustments with Sanjeev: Setu Bandhasana
Yogalife International

Hands-On Adjustments with Sanjeev: Ustrasana
Yogalife International

Hands-On Adjustments with Sanjeev: Ardha Matsyendrasana
Yogalife International

Hands-On Adjustments with Sanjeev: Gomukhasana
Yogalife International

Hands-On Adjustments with Sanjeev: Garudasana
Yogalife International

We confuse Love with the sensations of pleasure and pain | by Sanjeev Bhanot
Yogalife International

What is real? | Sanjeev Bhanot
Yogalife International

Yoga Nidra for Health and Immunity | MANOJ BHANOT
Yogalife International

Yoga Nidra for health I relaxation | Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

Yoga Nidra 15 minute – Quick recharge
Yogalife International

Yoga Nidra – Prana Vayus (Activate your life force)
Yogalife International

When do you consider you were born | by Sanjeev Bhanot
Yogalife International

Observation and judgement | by Sanjeev Bhanot
Yogalife International

Whatever you are thinking you are gonna create it | by Sanjeev Bhanot
Yogalife International

Why integrate yoga? | with Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

Everything has a meaning | with Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

Asteya I Non Stealing I under the first limb of Yoga with Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International
Brahamcharya Celibacy? Moderation? | with Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

Let’s think differently about life energy | Dimensions of Prana I Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

What is Dhyana? | What is meditation? I Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

Koshas – Sheaths – Yogic bodies – Layers of the human body | Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

What has taken my focus away? | Dharana – Why concentration important in life? I Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

Antar Mouna – Inner silence | Break the loop of the thoughts I Train your mind I Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

Why are we stuck? | Manoj Bhanot
Yogalife International

Winning and losing, birth and death | by Sanjeev Bhanot
Yogalife International

Hands-On Adjustments with Sanjeev: Setu Bandhasana
Yogalife International

Hands-On Adjustments with Sanjeev: Ustrasana
Yogalife International

Hands-On Adjustments with Sanjeev: Ardha Matsyendrasana
Yogalife International

Hands-On Adjustments with Sanjeev: Gomukhasana
Yogalife International

Hands-On Adjustments with Sanjeev: Garudasana
Yogalife International