Please read our Terms & Conditions carefully

  1. The student’s behavior and attitude, both private and public while at the venue, should respect the local culture and enhance the spiritual atmosphere.
  2. Standards of Conduct Student should maintain an atmosphere encouraging mutual respect, civil and congenial relationships and free from all forms of harassment and violence, where everyone can discuss their differences and exchange ideas openly, honestly and respectfully. Use respectful language without using profanity, vulgarity, insults, abusive language, and verbal threats.
  3. Inappropriate Conduct Student should avoid public displays of affection and public nudity.Students should not possess, use, or distribute alcoholic beverages or illegal or recreational drugs.Students should not make false statements about others with malice to cause harm, or publicly disclose another’s private information.
  4. Unless otherwise specified, photography or video filming is not allowed in the venue during any Sadhana (spiritual practice) times i.e. during Meditation, Satsang, Asana class, lectures, … This helps to maintain a tranquil and protected environment for all.
  5. Attendance and participation in scheduled classes are mandatory. If students expect to be absent from any scheduled event for whatever reason, notice must be submitted to the program coordinator. Too many absences from scheduled classes may result in the student being dismissed from the course and asked to leave the course.
  6. Students leaving the course before completion are to return all their teaching materials.
  7. Karma Yoga is an integral part of the training course life. Karma Yoga is for each student, every day. Karma Yoga is a practical approach to help eliminate egoistic and selfish tendencies in students.
  8. All transaction fees are the responsibility of the registrant. Cancellation Policy 500 Euro is a non-refundable fee for your application. This amount will increase to 1000 Euro for cancellation 4 weeks before the training starts and the totality of your deposit will be kept for last minute cancellation but could be used for a later TTC.

As a Course Participant of the Yogalife course, I do hereby agree to participate in all activities. I assume full responsibility for my personal property and myself and will endeavor to make a genuine effort towards my own self-improvement according to the teachings of Yoga. I understand that if I should break any of the rules I may be asked to leave. No refunds will be granted in any circumstance.

I hereby confirm that I understand that the training program is of intense nature and will be challenging. The course is a full time commitment. I declare that I have disclosed on this form all relevant details and by submitting these details to Yogalife I take full responsibility for myself in attending the course.