Yoga Teacher Training Course

Yogalife (RYS 200) offers Yoga Alliance registered Yoga Teacher Training Courses (TTC) in different locations all over the world, and will now run a Yoga Teacher Training in Luxembourg. Yogalife believes in empowering Yoga students to take the role of responsible teachers and uncovering the natural teacher within.

The Yogalife Yoga Teacher Training is not merely for those who want to become a yoga teacher. The majority of our students start the course to deepen their own knowledge and practice. Throughout the course, you will gain a deeper understanding to stay connected to yourself and get into a process of self-discovery. Minds often change during the yoga course and as a result of the many learnings more than 85% of the graduates are now teaching yoga regularly. Many students who start yoga training for themselves soon realize the power of yoga and how important it is for the change of society. Which is why so many of them start to teach yoga in the end.

Yogalife provides you a step-by-step approach to visiting your roots and understanding where you come from. A lot of life experiences unfold differently and a shift of perspective takes place. It will give you a mirror to look at your own story and will cultivate different understandings. We kindly refer to the testimonials of our graduates below to give you a glimpse of the impact of the course on their lives.

Well appreciated in the Yogalife training is its unique hands-on adjustments, which achieve amazing and highly effective results. Students dive straight into yoga teaching each other from week one.

Yogalife offers a life transformation program that shows you how the yoga tools are a lot more than asanas or postures. You will learn how you can introduce those tools to improve your life and pass them on to your future students as a yoga teacher. The Yogalife yoga training is not limited to yoga on the mat practice. By diving into this process you will notice how yoga appears in our lives off the mat.

Yogalife Teachers
Yogalife Teacher Training

The Yogalife team consists of a well balanced mix of different yoga teachers coming from places all over the world. It enriches the training because of the expertise of each teacher on a particular subject. Students receive authentique yoga teachings adopted to implement in modern times.

The course is spread out over 9 weekends. The timings and weekends are convenient for people coming from neighboring countries or cities. If needed we help people find a place to stay during the yoga training. There is often a gap in between the weekends which gives the possibility to stay connected to family and friends. After the training you are ready to go out as a yoga teacher and pass on the many learnings you cherished during the yoga course.

Yogalife has trained more than a thousand yoga teachers across the world so far. At present, Yogalife runs its Yoga Teacher Training Courses in Brussels, Gent, Geneva, Zürich, Stuttgart, Bonn and now also in Luxembourg.

Upcoming Courses

06 September 2024- 7 March 2025 


  • € 2.950 (Early Bird -till 6th August)
  • € 3.150 (Regular Price)

Note: Paying in installments is possible. For more information contact


06,07,08 September 2024

27,28,29 September 2024

04,05,06 October 2024

11,12,13 October 2024

6,7,8 December 2024

31,1,2 February 2025

7,8,9 February 2025

7,8,9 March 2025

21,22,23 March 2025

  • Hours
  • Friday: 19:00 – 21:30
  • Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 – 18:00


Youth Hostel Luxembourg-City
2, rue du Fort Olisy
L- 2261 Luxembourg
0032 – 468156160

Note: For any further queries contact –, 0032 – 468156160

22 April – 20 October 2024


  • € 2.950 (Early bird price till 1st August 2024)
  • € 3.150 (Normal Price)

Note: Paying in installments is possible. For more information contact


  • 13, 14, 15 Sept 2024
  • 11, 12, 13 Oct 2024
  • 15, 16, 17 Nov 2024
  • 13, 14, 15 Dec 2024
  • 17, 18, 19 Jan 2025
  • 21, 22, 23 Feb 2025
  • 21, 22, 23 Mar 2025
  • 25, 26, 27 Apr 2025
  • 23, 24, 25 May 2025

Note: In case a date is clashing with your agenda, contact for a solution.


  • Friday: 19:00 – 21:30
  • Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 – 18:00

Course Language



Factory Forty
Rue des Anciens Etangs 40
1190 Bruxelles

24 November – 16 June 2024


  • € 2.950 (Early Bird – until 15th October 2022)
  • € 3.150 (Normal Price)

Note: Paying in installments is possible. For more information contact


  • 24, 25, 26 Nov 2023
  • 08, 09, 10 Dec 2023
  • 19, 20, 21 Jan 2024
  • 02, 03, 04 Feb 2024
  • 01, 02, 03 Mar 2024
  • 22, 23, 24 Mar 2024
  • 26, 27, 28 Apr 2024
  • 24, 25, 26 May 2024
  • 14, 15, 16 Jun 2024

Note: In case a date is clashing with your agenda, contact for a solution.


  • Friday: 19:00 – 21:30
  • Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 – 18:00

Course Language



Holiday Inn Express,
Akkerhage 2,
Gent(Ghent), 9000, Belgium

21 April – 12 Nov 2023


  • € 2.950 (Early Bird – till 15th March)
  • € 3.250 (Regular Price)

Note: Paying in installments is possible. For more information contact


  • 21, 22, 23 April 2023
  • 12, 13, 14 May 2023
  • 16, 17, 18 June 2023
  • 30 June – 01 July 2023
  • 25, 26, 27 August 2023
  • 08, 09, 10 September 2023
  • 15, 16, 17 September 2023
  • 20, 21 October 2023
  • 10, 11, 12 November 2023

Note: In case a date is clashing with your agenda, contact for a solution.


  • Friday: 19:00 – 21:30
  • Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 – 18:00


Köln (Cologne)
Tenshinkai Dojo Köln, Holbeinstraße 6, 50733, Köln Deutschland

24 Feb – 9 July 2023


  • CHF 3.900 (Early Bird – till 20th Feb)
  • CHF 4.350 (Normal Price)

Note: Paying in installments is possible. For more information contact


  • 24, 25, 26 Feb 2023
  • 10, 11, 12, March 2023
  • 24, 25, 26, March 2023
  • 21, 22, 23 April 2023
  • 05, 06, 07 May 2023
  • 12, 13, 14, May 2023
  • 09, 10, 11 June 2023
  • 23, 24, 25 June 2023
  • 07, 08, 09 July 2023

Note: In case a date is clashing with your agenda, contact for a solution.


  • Friday: 19:00 – 21:30
  • Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 – 18:00


Studio SoHam
Rue Philippe-Plantamour 24
1201 Geneva


  • € 2.950 (Early bird – till 1st of Sep 2023
  • € 3.150 (Normal Price)

Note: Paying in installments is possible. For more information contact


  • 13, 14, 15 Oct 2023
  • 17, 18, 19 Nov 2023
  • 15, 16, 17 Dec 2023
  • 12, 13, 14 Jan 2024
  • 23, 24, 25 Feb 2024
  • 15, 16, 17 Mar 2024
  • 19, 20, 21 Apr 2024
  • 24, 25, 26 May 2024
  • 07, 08, 09 Jun 2024

Note: In case a date is clashing with your agenda, contact for a solution.


  • Friday: 19:00 – 21:30
  • Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 – 18:00

Course Language



Saja Yoga Loft Herent
Schoonzichtlaan 43
3020 Herent
Near Leuven

What will you learn during the course

Yogalife Yoga Training will give you a strong base as a yoga teacher. Training gives you an important outline covering all the aspects that you need to know as a yoga teacher, in 200 hour training you will learn – From your history of yoga to the evolution of yoga, you will be introduced to yogic philosophies. What makes it most appealing is that you will learn how these ancient secrets can be used to transform each yoga student you are going to teach, in a very pragmatic and practical way.

Yogalife Festival

The Basics of Yoga

  • Definition of Yoga, Types of Yoga
  • History of Yoga and Patanjali
  • Teaching Methodology: you will start teaching from day 1
  • Theory of Meditation, Pranayama, Asanas, Mantra

Yoga and the Body

  • Hatha Yoga, Shatkarma
  • Yogic body -Chakras/Nadi
  • Anatomy/Physiology
  • Theory of Meditation, Pranayama, Asanas, Mantra
Yoga and the Body
Philosophy and Core Principles

Philosophy and Core Principles

  • Prana Vayu, Koshas and Core principles
  • Asana clinics (in depth dissection of asana)
  • Students Teaching AM/PM
  • Teaching Methodology

Creating your class, assessments

  • Building your sequence and your style
  • Personal evaluations, presentations, assessments
  • Teaching Methodology Recap
  • Graduation Ceremony
Creating your class and assessments</p>
Personal growth</p>

Personal growth

  • People Skill
  • Eye Contact
  • Your weaknesses and strengths
  • Voice

(Apart from all the above learnings, you will be able to discuss and talk to all the teachers about your yoga challenges and queries throughout the program and afterwards.)


Apply For the TTC



    1.The student's behavior and attitude, both private and public while at the venue,should respect the local culture and enhance the spiritual atmosphere.

    2.Standards of Conduct -> Student should maintain an atmosphere encouraging mutual respect, civil and congenial relationships and free from all forms of harassment and violence, where everyone can discuss their differences and exchange ideas openly, honestly and respectfully. -> Use respectful language without using profanity, vulgarity, insults, abusive language, and verbal threats.

    3.Inappropriate Conduct Student should avoid public displays of affection and public nudity. Students should not possess, use, or distribute alcoholic beverages or illegal or recreational drugs. Students should not make false statements about others with malice to cause harm, or publicly disclose another’s private information.

    4.Unless otherwise specified, photography or video filming is not allowed in the venue during any Sadhana (spiritual practice) times i.e. during Meditation, Satsang, Asana class, lectures, … This helps to maintain a tranquil and protected environment for all.

    5.Attendance and participation in scheduled classes are mandatory. If students expect to be absent from any scheduled event for whatever reason, notice must be submitted to the program coordinator. Too many absences from scheduled classes may result in the student being dismissed from the course and asked to leave the course.

    6.Students leaving the course before completion are required to return all their teaching materials.

    7.Karma Yoga is an integral part of the training course life. Karma Yoga is required for each student, every day. Karma Yoga is a practical approach to help eliminate egoistic and selfish tendencies in students.

    8.All transaction fees are the responsibility of the registrant. Cancellation Policy 500 Euro is a non-refundable fee for your application. This amount will increase to 1000 Euro for cancellation 4 weeks before the training starts and the totality of your deposit will be kept for last minute cancellation but could be used for a later TTC.

    As a Course Participant of the Yogalife course, I do hereby agree to participate in all activities. I assume full responsibility for my personal property and myself and will endeavor to make a genuine effort towards my own self-improvement according to the teachings of Yoga. I understand that if I should break any of the rules I may be asked to leave. No refunds will be granted in any circumstance.

    I hereby confirm that I understand that the training program is of intense nature and will be challenging. The course is a full time commitment. I declare that I have disclosed on this form all relevant details and by submitting these details to Yogalife I take full responsibility for myself in attending the course.


    Each of our courses hosts five to six highly qualified master Yoga Trainers. We combine management skills, presentation skills, facilitation, and coaching along with the deep traditional teachings of Yoga.

    Manoj Bhanot

    Manoj Bhanot

    Yogalife Founder, Belgium

    Micaela Preguerman

    Micaela Preguerman

    Yogi, Graphic Designer

    Poonam Sharma

    Poonam Stecher Sharma

    Yogi, Entrepreneur

    Sanjeev Bhanot

    Sanjeev Bhanot

    Yogalife Founder

    Diana Elizalde

    Diana Elizalde

    Yogi, Teacher

    Mironel de Wilde

    Mironel de Wilde

    Yogi, Traveler

    Shwetha Bhanot

    Shweta Bhanot

    Yogi, Festival Organizer

    Nadine Vanmanshoven

    Nadine Vanmanshoven

    Yogi, Physical Therapist

    Elize Tikmane

    Elize Tikmane

    Yogi, Dancer

    Yogalife Assistant Teachers

    Yogalife provides the opportunity to its graduates to assist in every possible yoga training organized by Yogalife. The assistant teachers are the ones who have already gone through the process and help create the bridge between the teachers and students. They are a part of the Continuous Education Program (CEP). We encourage our former students to keep growing with us and participate in this beautiful new journey. For each course, two or three assistant teachers will be there to support and teach along with the main teachers.

    Yogalife visiting teachers

    In order to give exposure to different related disciplines, Yogalife invites guest teachers to teach one or two sessions according to their known fields and expertise. It can be in the field of Yoga or other relevant territory. For example, the participants of the last courses have experienced lectures and tips on Shiatsu, Chavutti Thirumal, Reflexology, Kalari, and different styles of Yoga from their local experts and known teachers.

    Why Yogalife Teacher Training Course?

    1. Selected group: 20-26 participants per course.
    2. The syllabus includes Yoga Philosophy, Hindu Mythology, Physiology of Hatha Yoga, Asana teaching methodology and its corrections. This specifically designed 150+ page training manual is continuously modified with an ongoing feedback process, now being already the 10th edition in circulation.
    3. All the locations are carefully chosen to support the conducive yogic environment.
    4. Unique Asana clinic for hands-on Asana adjustments.
    5. Focus on the personal development of the student.
    6. Adult Learning Techniques to create a more effective learning and delivery environment.
    7. Facilitation and guidance to develop a style of your own.
    8. Opportunities within the organization for motivated and determined students at the end of the program.
    9. Continuous Education Program (CEP) provides opportunities to assist in the teacher’s training programs to refine the skill level.
    10. From the start of the course, creating a solid group mentality where students feel safe to grow and evolve.
    11. Recognized by Yoga Alliance, USA as an RYS300 Yoga School.
    12. Yogalife Foundation’s global presence with its presence residences in Geneva and Zurich in Switzerland, New Delhi, Dharamshala, and Goa in India, Gent and Brussels in Belgium, and Kassel and Bonn in Germany.
    13. Trained hundreds of students from more than 28 countries.
    14. Client list includes UN, WHO, UNICEF, P&G, WIPO, etc., and have also worked with celebrities such as Dr. Deepak Chopra, Kerry Kennedy, Julia Roberts etc.